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Positioned for the future

Committed to sustainability

For TC Energy, 可持续发展是威尼斯电玩城手游所做的一切的基础,也是威尼斯电玩城手游文化的基础, 威尼斯电玩城手游的利益相关者参与和伙伴关系以及威尼斯电玩城手游的决策. To be truly sustainable, 威尼斯电玩城手游相信,威尼斯电玩城手游必须继续发展和创新,以满足社会的挑战和需求. 

Our purpose is to deliver the energy people need, every day. Guided by our five core enterprise values – safety, innovation, responsibility, collaboration and integrity, 在构建更加公平的共同未来方面,威尼斯电玩城手游可以发挥直接而重要的作用, just and ultimately sustainable.

70多年来,威尼斯电玩城手游一直在为企业和家庭赋权方面发挥着重要作用,威尼斯电玩城手游为此感到自豪. 在不断变化的能源格局中,威尼斯电玩城手游面临的关键挑战是以经济的方式安全地提供世界所需的能源, environmentally and socially responsible manner. 威尼斯电玩城手游完全有能力通过投资于平衡和可持续的能源未来来应对这一挑战.


$1.5 billion invested in our pipeline integrity programs in 2020





Economic development

$32.3+ million in community investment across North America in 2020

Our commitment

威尼斯电玩城手游的可持续发展意味着在安全的情况下满足当今的能源需求, 为威尼斯电玩城手游的能源未来找到可靠和经济的解决方案. Regardless of the pace and form of energy transition, 威尼斯电玩城手游的设施代代相传,威尼斯电玩城手游坚定不移地致力于可持续发展. This includes commitments to:

威尼斯电玩城手游在透明和健全的监管环境中运营,为能源基础设施资产的整个生命周期提供严格的监管. 威尼斯电玩城手游的设施受到多个监管机构的严格监管. We comply with all federal, 有关健康和安全管理的省和州法律法规, environment, land use and other material areas of our business.

Learn more

Learn more about sustainability at TC Energy

We are committed to providing focused, transparent, and meaningful sustainability and environmental, 社会和治理(ESG)内容符合公认的全球标准,通过威尼斯电玩城手游的可持续发展报告和补充沟通.

威尼斯电玩城手游想听听你对威尼斯电玩城手游可持续发展报告的看法. Please send questions or comments to communications@danicheng.net.